Digital marketing: frequently asked questions
Can you help us understand why our website is under-performing?
Yes. We specialise in working with Google Analytics to get "under the bonnet" of a website. We can highlight to you critical findings such as:
- whether your existing marketing spend produces genuine leads
- which pages / sections of your website turn away prospective customers
- where you're missing out on customers who search for popular topics relevant to your business
Can you install our Facebook Pixel?
Yes. If you're running Facebook advertising and need to track a visitor's activity on your website, we can add your Facebook Pixel to your site for you.
Does Google Analytics track specific events on our website?
By default, Google Analytics tracks web page views. If you need to track other activity such as document downloads, button clicks, video plays, on-site searches and form interactions, we can set that up for you.
How will increasing my Google PageSpeed Insights score improve my ranking in search engines?
Google is interested in your website's loading speed and it uses this, along with many other factors, to determine where you website should rank in its search results listings. If your website loads slowly, your search engine ranking is adversely affected.
We use a variety of technical fixes to improve a website's loading speed. Our own site typically scores 85+ on Google's PageSpeed Insights for mobile devices and 90+ for desktop devices: we can work with you to help you achieve the same!